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How to Get Your Book In Top 200 on Amazon the Fast & Free Way

It's surprisingly simple and it works like a charm!


By Mateja Klaric

July 20, 2019

This is a tested and proven approach that's surprisingly easy to pull off - all you got to do is find yourself a book troll who'll destroy your new book's rating. In the next step, you simply post a review of their review on your blog, share that on social media and make sure she finds out about it. The troll, being a troll she is, will then go ballistic, and share the link to your post with everyone she possibly can, complaining about the gross injustice of receiving a bad review of their review and asking others to lynch you.

Riding the troll

This easy, simple, and, mind you, completely FREE approach not only brought hundreds of visitors to my website but also resulted in over thousand downloads of my book. This launched it in the top #200 on Kindle literally overnight at no cost whatsoever! If you ever tried to promote a book, you know this is GOLD. I call it Riding the troll.

Trolls pushed my book all the way up to top #200 overnight!

For a writer on a tight budget, these kind of results are PRICELESS and well worth the trouble of having a bunch of troll's friends ravaging your book's rating on Goodreads and trolling you further - that's a tad annoying but it also results in more and more downloads, so bring it on trolls!

I have to admit I discovered this amazing free & easy strategy by pure chance. Afraid that I might not get enough reviews from the real readers of my book, I submitted it to a review service Booksprout. Booksprout was recommended to me by a certain member of a certain group for writers on Facebook and turned out to be a breading ground for trolls and freeloaders.

This makes it PERFECT for the purpose - the only review I got from Booksprout came from a troll while others who downloaded the book never bothered to even post theirs since these readers seem to be far more interested in getting their hands on free books rather than actually reviewing them.

Still, as you can see, this did wonders for my book. Mind you - this can be done at NO cost whatsoever. As they say in PR: what matters is that people talk about you and not nearly as much what they say.

Giving credit where credit is due: my inspiration was Jay Kristoff, the grand master of Riding the troll approach. His posts on Facebook inspired me. Thank you and many blessings Jay!